- Start from the beginning. If you know absolutely nothing about web design, HTML (hypertext markup language) or CSS (cascading style sheets), W3Schools.comis a good place to start. This site offers free interactive tutorials. You will be able to practice online immediately after taking a lesson and see your mistakes instantly.
- Learn and contribute. Opera browser offers free web design lessons; they describe themselves as an open community of developers building resources for a better web, regardless of brand, browser or platform. You can take lessons and if you reach a point of mastery in any area, you are welcome to contribute your knowledge to the site.
- Google it. The developers at Google have a web design training course that outlines the basics of website building via video tutorials.
This is also a great site for beginners.
- Let your light shine. Don’t Fear the Internetis a website most suitable for creative people who want nothing to do with web design. If you have a website or blog that you want to polish, the free courses on Don’t Fear the Internet will help you do just that. You’ll easily learn what you have to know in order to make your site look professional, but then you can leave it all behind and get on with your creative genius.
- Be a web wizard. Mozilla has paired up with Peer to Peer University (P2PU) to create an open education web design course. The Mozilla School of Webcraft includes courses on CSS, PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor—a scripting language) and HTML.
You can also test your knowledge and take challenges, such as building your own website from scratch.
- Design a blog in a hurry. If you want to get your site up and running before you take a full course on web design, try one of the top 10 free blog site programs (you can always tweak your site later):
- Web design courses that include an interactive component are very helpful. Learning a scripting language isn’t rocket science, but it is unforgiving. You must use precise coding language throughout your website. Using an interactive learning module will help you find even the tiniest mistake—which will save you hours of time when you are ready to launch your own site.
- It’s not advisable to offer your services as a web designer until you feel absolutely confident that you have mastered the skills necessary to build a website. Be sure to take advantage of the tests and challenges offered by the design course sites.
Source: www.wikihow.com

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