EDITOR'S NOTE: Wow! We've experienced an overwhelmingly positive response to this conference map-thank you! We've also seen several mentions of minor corrections and conferences that we missed. See our updated graphic below, which includes seven new conferences for your viewing pleasure.
Now in consultation with other conference-trotting stars, we've pulled together a list of the leading 40 or so convenings for educators and edtech entrepreneurs and executives. We're pleased to share it with you—yep, yours' for the taking, in two handy sizes.
Our pairing? An FAQ about this nifty illustration. Enjoy!
Your illustration says 2015-2016: When do these events occur?
Most of these events typically take place annually, usually during the same season. On the alphabetical list of conferences, we've given you the relevant dates from now, June 2015 through next year June 2016.
A conference calendar for you!Blue, orange, brown: What do these colors mean?
Of course, anyone can attend any conference. We've designated the primary audience for these events, however: Blue events are built around educators, but many of these events involve exhibitor halls. Brown events emphasize the business of edtech more than pedagogy. Orange events are more tightly focused around a topic, such as math education or mobile devices.
What are these EdSurge Summits?
Aw, you left out my favorite confab!
Sorry about that! Feel free to add a comment on this piece with details about the event you like the best. Recurring events, such as EdCamps and Startup Weekends, are tough to add because they take place all year long and just about everywhere!