The Ohio State Computer/Technology Endorsement is a fully online four-course program for certified or licensed educators who wish to develop their capacity to better plan for and utilize a variety of technologies to improve student learning. Appropriate for classroom teachers, school administrators and district personnel, this endorsement is designed to provide education professionals with the skills and knowledge necessary to assume school, district, and state positions in support of educational technology initiatives.
The endorsement is appropriate for:
- Classroom teachers who wish to develop their practice to support students in mastering 21st century tools and skills.
- Educators who plan to assume technology support positions including curriculum integration specialists at the school and district level.
- School administrators who are committed to leading their schools in better supporting student academic achievement using technology.
- District personnel who aspire to plan, implement, manage, and assess educational technology efforts across multiple schools.
All applicants must meet the following minimum requirements:
- Earned a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution.
- Possess or are simultaneously attaining an initial Ohio teaching license/certificate.
Program coursework:
The endorsement consists of four courses. An instructor who will be available to answer student questions, facilitate student interactions, and assess student work will support each course. The instructor will hold regular synchronous office hours and facilitate a regular synchronous session between the students. Guest lecturers will be invited to help students with specific projects. Students are expected to complete the four Technology courses listed below with an overall 3.0 GPA and at least a "C" in each course. Unless otherwise approved by faculty, all coursework must be completed within five years of applying for the Technology Endorsement.
The four courses cover all the ISTE Technology Leadership standards within the following topics:
- ESETEC 6273: Improving Professional Practice of Teaching with Technology (Foundations; Technology Self-Assessment; History of Technology in the Schools; Instructional Design; Legal, Ethical and Human Issues; Technology and Students with Special Needs).
- ESETEC 8295: Fundamentals of Instructional Materials and Media (Infrastructure and Integration; Integration and Assessment; Design the Computer Infrastructure for a School).
- ESEADM 6372: Educational Technology Leadership and Supervision (Research on Professional Development; Safe Use of Computers; Ethical Use of Computers; District Technology Implementation).
- ESETEC 7289: Practicum in Educational Technology (Conference Presentation; Refine and Present Electronic Portfolio).
Electronic portfolio:
While completing the four successive courses that are offered across one calendar year, students complete an electronic portfolio with artifacts that they develop in each course. These artifacts will demonstrate that students have developed their capacity to:
- Evaluate the learning potential, implementation requirements, and ongoing support needs for existing and emerging educational technologies.
- Teach in fully online and hybrid learning contexts
- Align learning goals for students with a variety of technology interventions.
- Understand the various social and cultural factors that influence how students learn with technology.
- Plan, implement, and evaluate classroom, school, district, and state educational technology efforts.
- Utilize technology-based assessment to support authentic assessment of student learning.
- Apply Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK), in a variety of settings.
- Assess and develop an ongoing plan to improve their technical skills.
All students will be required to purchase a subscription to Tk20, a comprehensive electronic educational assessment platform that will allow you to store your educational artifacts and create an electronic portfolio for your professional use. This can be accessed for up to ten (10) years after completion of your coursework or graduation from Ohio State. Information about Tk20 is available in a letter from Dean Achterberg and will be available in your first class.