EECS introduces students to major concepts in electrical engineering and computer science in an integrated and hands-on fashion. As students progress to increasingly advanced subjects, they gain considerable flexibility in shaping their own educational experiences.
All EECS students* begin with a series of two required introductory subjects, exploring electrical engineering and computer science fundamentals by working on such concrete systems as robots and cell phone networks and systems.
Students gain understanding, competence, and maturity by advancing step by step through subjects of greater and greater complexity:
- Foundation subjects build depth and breadth in areas ranging from circuits and electronics to applied electromagnetics and from principles of software development to signals and systems. Students must take three or four, depending on their major.
- Header subjects and laboratory provide mastery within EECS's subdisciplines: microelectronic devices and circuits; communication, control and signal processing; bioelectrical science and engineering; computer systems engineering; design and analysis of algorithms; and artificial intelligence. Students must take at least three header subjects and one lab.
- (AUS) and a capstone project enable students to target their degree program toward in-depth mastery of areas matching their specific interests. The provides an opportunity for students to reinforce classroom and laboratory learning through research. Two advanced subjects and a faculty-supervised project (of the student's choice) are required.
Throughout the undergraduate years, laboratory subjects, teamwork, independent projects, and research engage students with principles and techniques of analysis, design, and experimentation in a variety of EECS areas. The department also offers numerous programs that enable students to gain practical experience, ranging from collaborative industrial projects done on campus to term-long experiences at partner companies.