Job Seekers
Welcome. Rewarding careers in Public Service start here. New York State employees serve more than 18 million state residents through a wide variety of occupations. New York State offers comprehensive compensation packages, including excellent health and retirement benefits and family-friendly policies including flexible and alternate work schedules.
Examination announcements, current vacancies (including nursing positions),promotion opportunities, featured programs, online examinations Local examination announcements and contact information for careers with county, city, town, village or local school districts The Recruitment Resources Center for the Governor's Program to Hire Individuals and Veterans with Disabilities provides a centralized location for eligible job seekers to submit up-to-date employment and contact information for consideration by State agencies filling entry-level positions. The Veterans Temporary Hiring Program Portal provides a centralized location for qualifying veterans to submit up-to-date employment and contact information for consideration by New York State agencies filling temporary positions.
Source: www.cs.ny.gov

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