We offer free computer classes that provide hands-on training to adults. We'll make you more confident when using computers in the library, at work, at home or when looking for a job. Most classes are held at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library.
The majority of our scheduled computer classes are currently offered on a walk-in basis (no registration required, except where indicated). Seats will be filled on a first-come, space available basis. We highly recommend that you arrive on time for the classes you wish to attend.
One or more of our classes may require online registration. These classes will contain a register link when you click the class title. Click the register link to start your registration for that particular class.
Please consult the library calendar or the Computer Class Calendar brochure to find a class. The computer classes FAQ can answer many of your questions. If you can’t find the answer to your question there, please contact Desire Grogan at desire.grogan@dc.gov or 202-727-1298.
Class Descriptions
Computers skills are required for success in the workplace. Take our computer classes to gain the skills that can help you get a job and keep it.
How often are classes offered?
Free computer classes are offered on an ongoing basis throughout the year. Classes are advertised on a monthly basis about one week before the first of the month. From month to month, class times vary in order to accommodate morning, afternoon and evening attendance during the library’s hours of operation. Each class is a one-time workshop and is scheduled for two to three hours of instruction and hands-on training. For this reason, customers are encouraged to repeat a class several times, in order to strengthen their skills, before moving on to the next level of classes. Our year-round schedule allows for this kind of repetition in the learning process.
Do I have to register to attend?
No, you do not have to register. All classes are available on a walk-in basis only. This means that seats will be filled on a first-come, space-available basis. There may be certain classes in the future that require registration. These classes will receive special notations both on the Web site and in the monthly calendar brochure. Seniors are welcome in all classes!
What happens if I am late for class?
Even though all classes are available on a walk-in basis, we highly recommend that you arrive on time for the class you wish to attend. Some classes may fill up, and then you will not be able to get a seat. Though latecomers may be admitted to the computer lab if there is space, it is with the understanding that the trainer will not be repeating covered material. This would be unfair to those who arrived on time. Please be on time!
How do I find the latest schedule?
About one week before the upcoming month of classes, the schedule of computer classes is distributed in brochure format to neighborhood libraries throughout the city. It is also available at the Central Information Desk at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library (Main Branch). This same schedule is also posted on the library's Web site. Please consult the current schedule of computer classes in order to choose the class (es) you wish to attend.
Where do I go for class?
All classes at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library (MLK) are held in our Computer Lab (Room 311), located on the third floor at 901 G St. N.W. The library is accessible from both the Metro Center station on the Red, Orange and Blue lines (11th Street exit) and from the Gallery Place Station on the Red, Green and Yellow lines (9th Street exit).
The nearest paid parking is available on 8th Street (PEPCO Building) and on H Street between 9th and 10th streets.
Class Canceled: What do I do?
Due to circumstances outside the library's control, a scheduled class may sometimes be canceled. When we find out about a cancellation in time, we will leave a message on the computer class information line, 202-727-1298. The word “Canceled” will also be placed next to the class title on the online calendar. Sometimes, we may have to cancel a class because of a last-minute, emergency situation. We apologize if this happens. If you arrive to discover that a class has been canceled, please feel free to walk in on another class of the same or different type during the month.