In an environment where it seems that anyone can purchase a piece of software at an office supply store and get a Web site running in a few minutes, what role do professional Web designers play? In reality, Web designers have been growing their skills and their earning capacity by solving problems for employers and clients. A degree in Web design can help an ambitious artist learn the nuances of building Web sites that work well instead of tolerating virtual placeholders that turn away customers.
A growing number of colleges and universities recognize the burgeoning field of Web design. Many schools now offer degrees in Web design through their technology departments, through their art departments, or through joint technology degree programs that incorporate best practices from design and engineering.
Web design majors benefit from total immersion in cutting edge technology while developing critical aesthetic sensibilities that will help them develop unique styles and approaches to problem solving. Web design majors that pursue a Bachelor's degree can gain even more highly sought after skills in business, accounting, and even psychology.
Associate Degrees in Web Design
For students who have recently graduated from high school, or for working adults that crave a change of career, associate degrees in Web design offer a fast track to a lucrative new job. Associate degree programs usually last about two years or less, even when students enroll part-time.
Associate degree programs in Web design offer students the opportunity to build essential skills that can qualify them for entry level positions in business or technology settings. Most Associate Degree programs start with a broad overview of the Web design field, affording students the chance to understand the context of their new profession.
As the degree program progresses, participants gain hands-on experience with Web design and Web publishing tools. In a quality associate degree program, Web design majors learn the fundamentals of art and design, so they can apply an aesthetic balance to even the most utilitarian projects.
Because associate degree programs in Web design aim to release graduates into the work force as quickly as possible, many colleges and universities offer comprehensive career counseling and job placement assistance. The fast-paced nature of the industry often puts alumni in positions to make hiring decisions after only a few years with a company. Therefore, you can get your own Web design career off to a quick start by enrolling in an Associate Degree program that maintains strong ties with recent graduates.
Bachelor's Degrees in Web Design
Bachelor's degrees in Web design combine the career skills of an associate degree with the broader knowledge of a traditional undergraduate program. In fact, many Web designers who earn an associate degree often enroll in Bachelor's degree completion programs that allow them to transfer credits from other schools or previous programs.
During a bachelor's degree program, Web design majors enroll in arts and humanities courses that help them place their work in the overall context of history and society. Web design majors take art history courses to understand the evolution of design and expression. Participants also absorb business skills in economics and accounting courses.
By the end of a bachelor's degree program, students gain all the skills to launch highly successful careers in Web design. They learn how to pull all their talents together so they can combine business objectives with creative principles.