Applied Mathematics Internships

December 3, 2022
Workshop Dresden

What is an internship?

Internships are opportunities for you to put the knowledge you have gained into practice and for you to experience the real world of industry, non-profits, and government. The internship host organizations are committed to providing opportunities for undergraduate students so that you can gain experience in your field, increase your problem–solving capabilities and learn about potential careers. Equally important are the written and oral communication skills that you will develop to present your work.

We also offer what we call "externships, " which are just like internships but take place during the winter break and last only a couple of weeks.

Internship/externship time periods

  • Summer months (2- to 3-month internship)
  • January wintersession (~2-week externship)

What should I expect?

Internships and externships are possible for students studying engineering sciences, applied mathematics, biomedical engineering, computer science, and others who are interested in these disciplines. You can engage in internships and externships during the winter or summer of your sophomore, junior, or senior year.

Internships/externships provide opportunities to work for high-tech companies domestically and internationally; the experience can help you with networking and provide you with the chance to try out a prospective field of employment.

If you are selected for an internship/externship, you will work under the direction of a manager/adviser who will be responsible for:

  • establishing activities and projects you will work on,
  • assigning the team within which you will work, and
  • providing direction for tasks, offering training where needed, and evaluating your work.

Compensation for each internship is determined by the company.

Read about other students' experiences

Two weeks at Hemedex “showed me that even if I am put in an environment where I don’t know how things work right away… I feel as though I have the skills to be able to learn it, ” Mazige says.

PhD in Applied Mathematics
PhD in Applied Mathematics
Primary Basic Math Reasoning Skills : Applied Mathematics
Primary Basic Math Reasoning Skills : Applied Mathematics

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